”In 2022, I embarked on my journey with the Saudi Red Crescent, among the pioneers of emergency medicine specialists venturing into the field. By the year's end, I joined the Red Vests team, diving headfirst into humanitarian efforts and relief missions. In early 2023, I was honored to be part of the relief efforts dispatched to Turkey and Syria in response to the earthquake. It was a groundbreaking moment, as some colleagues and I became the first female members within the Saudi Red Crescent to participate in humanitarian disaster response. Our mission in Turkey was to provide crucial support to those affected by the earthquake, offering medical aid at rescue sites and refugee camps.
– Sharifah Yousef Al-Bounagh, Saudi Arabia”Each endeavor presents opportunities for meaningful change and impact”
The Turkey mission was not just a professional milestone but a personal revelation, showcasing the resilience and capabilities of Arab women in diverse fields. It ignited within me a deeper commitment to infuse every endeavor with compassion and humanity.
In 2023, I volunteered with a specialized surgical team sent by the King Salman Foundation for Aid and Relief to Gambia, Africa. As the sole female member, I participated in life-saving surgeries, spanning pediatric, women's, and vascular specialties.
Over the past two years in the humanitarian sector, I've witnessed empowering shifts for Saudi women, both locally and globally. These experiences, while challenging, have been instrumental in shaping us into the compassionate and resilient individuals we are today.
My aspirations are simple yet profound: a world of security, peace, and gender equality, where women stand as equal partners in shaping our collective future.”
Only 24.3% of all national parliamentarians were women as of February 2019, a slow increase from 11.3% in 1995.