The report Working Towards Gender Parity: GLOW Red Milestones
gives an overview and a timeline of what GLOW Red has achieved from 2017 to 2021.
Read the report
June 2021: Launch of report
The report How Diverse Leadership Shaped Responses to COVID-19 within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was released. This research is the result of a collaboration by HAG, IFRC, ICRC and GLOW Red – read the report here.
January 2021: 3rd GLOW Red Network Meeting; Virtual
The GLOW Red Network Meeting 2021 consisted of thirteen webinars and digital meetings between January 26th and 28th 2021. Seizing the opportunity that this digital format provided us with, many sessions were open to both members of the network and all RCRC personnel interested in the work of GLOW Red. Regional sessions, which were limited to GLOW Red members only, were organized as a way for regions to come together and focus on making action plans for women’s leadership in their respective regions. And for the first time ever a GLOW Red Youth session was set up as a chance for young women in the Movement to network and exchange experiences.
Read the report from the meeting here.
March 2020: Online webinars and activities
GLOW celebrated International Women’s Day by hosting our first webinar, “Using Data for Action: Advancing Women’s Leadership”. An additional 12 voices, which were collected during the Statutory Meetings, were launched on the 100 voices platform.
December 2019: Statutory Meetings; Geneva, Switzerland
The Statutory Meetings was a huge turning point for GLOW Red. Milestones achieved include:
- The resolution on Women in Leadership, which was championed and created by GLOW Red, was passed.
- The pledge on women’s leadership continues to accept signatures.
- Following the elections, two women now sit on the elected positions in the Standing Commission (Mercedes Babe, Chair; Fine Tu’itupou-Arnold). The ICRC has also decided to be represented by a woman through Katrin Wiegmann. A total of 18 women were elected to committees and commissions.
- The constitutional amendments on gender balance have been put into place for the next IFRC board elections, ensuring a higher representation of women.
- Hosting a Women Leaders Networking Luncheon, attended by over 100 women leaders throughout the RCRC Movement.
- GLOW hosted the only side-event related to women’s leadership, entitled “GLOW Red: Making women’s leadership a reality”.
- A booth at the Humanitarian Village, where hundreds of visitors learnt about GLOW Red and its mission.
- A very well-attended RedTalk, featuring women from the 100 Voices Project telling their stories.
- The 100 Voices project is officially launched, it gathers stories of inspirational RCRC women from the very beginning of the Movement until present day. It showcases the collective and individual commitments and contributions that women have made to the Movement in every corner of the world.
September 2019: 2nd GLOW Red Network Meeting; Ottawa, Canada
The two day network meeting was focused on defining the mandate and objectives of GLOW leading up to the 2021 IFRC Governing Board elections. Firm deliverables from the meeting include new and updates ToRs including the creation of the GLOW Red Secretariat, a revised mandate and the beginnings of a Business Plan.
June 2019: Women Deliver Conference; Vancouver, Canada
GLOW Red had a strong presence at the Women Deliver conference, including a breakfast event entitled “Making the Invisible Visible: Breaking the RCRC Glass Ceiling” attended by movement leaders.
May 2019: Inter-Americas Conference; Buenos Aires, Argentina
Advocacy from GLOW Red members pushed for an official session on women’s leadership to take place during the conference. Following the Interamerican Conference, a regional meeting on Women and Leadership was organized to operationalise the Buenos Aires Commitment attended by 32 leaders.
March 2019: Women’s Leadership Workshop; Geneva, Switzerland
The pilot Women’s Leadership Workshop is hosted for RCRC Movement women who are interested in running for governance positions. The workshop focuses on: building personal presence, learning how to run an effective campaign, the politics and policies of the RCRC Movement, and learning and networking with other women leaders. At the Statutory Meetings, held in December 2019, 25% of workshop participants were elected to governance positions.
August 2018: First global newsletter
GLOW Red begins to focus on external communication, the network releases its first global newsletter. This newsletter is shared throughout the RCRC Movement, it is opened over 2000 times.
April 2018: First GLOW Red Network Meeting; Stockholm, Sweden
Attended by 28 women leaders from around the globe. The purpose of this meeting was to establish the network and to agree upon a plan of action. From the discussions at this meeting, two main goals were agreed upon:
- Change the electoral face of the Governance of the Movement by 2021
- Increase and strengthen the pipeline for future leaders, enabling and supporting high
potential women from staff and volunteers for leadership positions beyond 2021.
December 2017: RCRC Statutory Meetings; Antalya, Turkey
In response to the lack of female candidates standing for election to the Governing Board, an impromptu meeting of women leaders takes place. A decision is developed, written and approved within the same day, calling for all parts of the Movement to take concrete measures to address the question of gender equality.