GLOW Red Strategy for 2023-2027
Discover here our Strategy for 2023-2027 in English.
Here you will find our strategy translated to French.
The IC33 Resolution on Women and Leadership
In December 2019 the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement came together to make a significant commitment to women’s leadership in the form of "Resolution 5 – Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement". Following this landmark resolution, actors from across the RCRC Movement have been hard at work transforming the commitments laid out in the resolution into action.
GLOW Red's progress report on the IC33 Women and Leadership Resolution
In 2021, GLOW Red created a working group to ensure implementation of the resolution and foster the sharing of progress and successes, as well as challenges and obstacles. One of the first actions of the working group was to put together a reporting mechanism to gather information on what is being done and have been done across the RCRC Movement to support women in leadership positions as well as future women leaders, and increase women’s leadership in general.
Using this reporting mechanism, we have been able to track progress and share learnings on different strategies to support and promote women's leadership. GLOW Red has launched one progress report (in 2022) and organized several seminars to disseminate these learnings.
Ahead of the 34th International Conference we re-activated the Reporting Mechanism and collected more data to produce an updated progress report*:
Read GLOW Red's report on the Women and Leadership Resolution
Below you will find the earlier versions of the progress report, launched in 2022:
(Español) Informe de progreso de la Resolución IC33 5 Mujeres y Liderazgo en la acción humanitaria
* Note that this is an informal reporting, specifically developed for the Resolution 5 on Women and leadership in the humanitarian action of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (33IC/19/R5). Formal reporting to the 34th International Conference was done here.
Research report "Strategies that support women leaders in aid organisations" by the French Red Cross Foundation
This research was initiated in 2023 by the GLOW Red network and supported by the Swedish Red Cross and the French Red Cross Foundation. Virginie Le Masson and Anne-Lise Dewulf are the authors of this research.
GLOW Red commissioned a desk study to enhance the network’s knowledge of the status of women in the humanitarian sector, and in particular of the obstacles to greater parity in leadership positions, both within and outside the RCRC Movement. What strategies support women leaders in achieving greater parity at all levels of decision-making in aid organizations?
Click here to read the research in English
Click here to read the research in French
Review of GLOW Red’s four years of action
After four years of activities – during which the Movement has made further commitments to gender equality – GLOW Red undertook a period of review, including an external evaluation of the network’s effectiveness ("Lighting the Path to Women’s Leadership: A Review of GLOW Red’s Four Years of Action", May 2022). It was also an opportunity to see the impact of some of GLOW Red’s work, one of the most important being the elections held in the IFRC General Assembly meeting in 2022 resulting in a board with 51% representation of women.
Read the review hereSummary and advocacy document based on the review in English, French, Spanish, and Russian.
Research report about diverse leadership during Covid-19 within the Movement
In June 2021, the report "How Diverse Leadership Shaped Responses to COVID-19 within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement" was released. This research is the result of a collaboration by HAG, IFRC, ICRC and GLOW Red.
Read the report here
Being a Candidate 101
Being a Candidate 101 is a guide with concrete steps, tools, and resources for building a successful candidature for an IFRC Governance Position. It is based on the shared knowledge and experiences in the GLOW Red Governance leadership trainings, recommendations from previously successful candidates, and the rules and guidelines provided by the IFRC.
Here you will find information about necessary readings and regulations as well as advice about running your candidature – step by step, from how to set up a campaign team to suggestions of how to be an effective board member.
You can also discover our videos on our "GLOW Red Network" YouTube channel by clicking here!