"Believe in your goals, and go for them"
”To effect support to more venues, I joined the Grenada Red Cross Society in May 2020 as a volunteer. Through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement I feel that I can contribute and help a greater cross-section of the population.”
”I have been working with The Grenada Red Cross Strategic Plan 2030 as a member of the consultation team and as a Co-Group member of the Action Learning Methodology to develop problem solving skills for greater financial sustainability. I also take part in the Constitution Reform Committee 2021 and, as a Medical Doctor, I provide guidance on matters relating to health. Working for the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has impacted my life positively, it has certainly helped me understand the challenges that others face and the limits on oneself.
As a leader in the humanitarian field I have learned that it is important to be totally honest and professional when relating to persons and this is one of the strengths of women. People will listen. Also, on the negative side, because the world can be so masculine ruled, the challenges and discriminations can be many and varied."
”I think the main challenges that women face in taking leadership positions or in making positive changes in the Movement is actually getting to a leadership position to begin with. The worldwide philosophy that men should be the leaders and there is a challenge therein of receiving equality for our gender.
To effect change I think that we should work with the grass root organizations and the NGO’s. I am a strong believer that, in small countries like ours, having afternoon and evening sessions in the community centers – located in each parish- can have a big impact and a lasting effect.
As a medical doctor, it is apparent how scared people are in the current covid-19 pandemic. So many questions and fears are expressed. It is imperative for me to have many one-on-one conversations with persons to alleviate their fears. At the same time persons are very afraid to go to the clinics. It is a complex situation. Time, patience and support are the best ways to get to the end of this line. I, myself, have had to deal with the solitude and mental strain which goes with isolation and at the same time be positive and encouraging to others.
I believe that solutions to these challenges will include the vaccine for Covid-19, compliance with Covid -19 protocols and credible dissemination of information. Negative social media messaging is easily absorbed by everyone and it is a challenge now to get people to believe that it is ok to take the vaccine. I guess this exists worldwide. However, this is definitely a learning process – how effective negative PR can be on a person’s mindset.
Isolation continues to be difficult for everyone. I think this pandemic has clearly showed how we as humans function best with interaction with other humans.”
Dr. Sonia T. Johnson
Grenada Red Cross