“During a crisis women keep their families safe”
Erin Law is a member of the IFRC and works as a global Zika advisor. She has led the response to the Zika outbreak in the Caribbean and Americas and built capacity in disaster preparedness, health literacy and behavior change. She joined the movement in 2013 and was stationed in South Africa until 2016. Then she moved to Panama to support the national Red Cross Society. During the summer of 2019 she was involved in the hurricane response in the Bahamas.
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Erin Law

IFRC, 2013

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Did you know...

Companies where 8 out of every 20 managers are female, generate about 34% of their revenues from innovative products and services. In companies where only 1 out of every 20 managers is female, this is only 25%.

– Humanitarian Advisory Group – Drawing on our Diversity: Humanitarian Leadership Lorenzo, R. et al. (2017)

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